A15. Owners said

Yesterday afternoon, one hundred passengers gathered in the district rented a large front row at the door adult residential security wall to prevent any eventuality China Chinese Commercial News reporters Chen Tuan and Jie She
Chanba Peninsula, a group residential rental special guest, they alleged illegal pyramid scheme has already been eyeing the industry and commerce, public security.
They became the most troublesome local law enforcement groups,hollister, disperse not go, can not be banned.
When the helpless patrol intend spontaneously formed residential property owners suspected of illegal pyramid selling these people out of the cell, but clashed.
February 5 evening, one hundred people suspected of illegal pyramid selling owner patrol conflict, both sides injured. February 6 pm, one hundred people suspected of illegal pyramid selling again gathered in front of the cell ......
Rented a three to brainwash teach family model
Ms. Wang lived in Chanba peninsula very upset, her family next door to the two are engaged in pyramid schemes. Ms. Wang said, because the industrial and commercial hit, which was disbanded after the marketing agents returned.
Guangyuntan industrial and commercial staff, he said in Chanba Peninsula entrenched marketing organization is called "Sunshine Project 1040" model exists. The sales organization in family mode brainwashing teaching. Every three people rented in one place, in the face of industry and commerce inspection, both said work or play in Xi'an. "These houses are rented MLM leader from the agency to provide offline live. Because it is not a large group of people live together, have some hidden."
Check-forming region Chanba peninsula into A4, A5, A6, A10, A13, A14, A15. Owners said, in addition to A13 zone,http://nyhtzs.com/news/html/?161274.html, the remaining districts have MLM organizations, MLM thousand.
According to media reports, in December last year,hogan outlet 2015, local law enforcement agencies to disperse within Chanba Peninsula, more than 150 people suspected of MLM. In April last year the law enforcement agencies to disperse Chanba Peninsula 28 suspected sales personnel, law enforcement authorities in July 2013 to disperse Chanba Peninsula, more than 180 people suspected of MLM. Chanba Peninsula charge cell A10, A15 area of a person in charge of security work, said: "Last summer, we have statistics, only two regions had 500 people involved in illegal pyramid schemes, occupying about 150 houses."
A total number of six regions suspected of direct sales personnel, the business sector, said the inconvenience announced. But the owners called nearly 1,abercrombie soldes,000 reporters have been confirmed from the side.
Declaration of war
Owners to set up patrols to check confiscate universal access cards
In recent months a spate of several residential burglaries, the owners feel that these persons are suspected pyramid selling unrest.
The owners say, "access cards they hold even able to open the cell door access multiple areas,scarpe hogan interactive, is the master key." The owners are in the hands of the access card, can only open the cell doors in your area. "Owners can not enter A15 A10 zone area,http://www.wnsjgg.com/news/html/?9152.html, and those people are free to enter the six zones."
A week ago, A10 A15 zone area jointly with the consent of the owners Guangyuntan police patrols set up spontaneously. "We must first confiscate universal access cards in their hands,http://dianzhang.chushixiu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=115766, so that they could not come, they were driven out of the cell." One owner said.
Continued access card confiscated nearly a week of action in defense personnel for every officer who access card to enter the cell to be checked. "Some people take that universal access cards, we confiscated."
One hundred consecutive days on suspicion of MLM impact cell doors
February 5 evening, checking encounter resistance. A suspected pyramid schemes officers do not cooperate with the inspection access cards. The owners said, "he wants to force the door, we were stopped, then he hit a few phone calls,christian louboutin homme,http://www.shouchuanbbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=64436, and soon hundreds of people suspected of direct sales personnel around in front of A10 area, and the owners had a falling out."
Hundreds and hundreds of people suspected pyramid schemes owners conflict, resulting in many affected skin trauma. Young chef jacket which was knifed bad backs. That night, Guangyuntan arrived at the police station after receiving the alarm, the situation under control. Who would have thought 16 o'clock yesterday, suspected pyramid selling staff gathered again to gate A10 area to go into residential rental housing by conflict again and patrols owners organization to arise.
Yesterday afternoon, the police on suspicion of direct sales personnel gathered here explained: "If you are a regular rent payers,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, presented at the lease contracts in the property register, you can normally out of district if you can not provide a lease contract, you should have access property management, may not. enter. If you are looking for someone,http://www.slsq.gov.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=12738, let the other side and bring you in. "
6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the police persuaded A10 region gathered in front of hundreds of suspected pyramid schemes officers finally left.
They have legitimacy, how to clean up?
Property: No way water and electricity
"Report only to law enforcement, and they are cleaning up." Property said, "suspected pyramid schemes officers holding a universal access card,http://t4mz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=21170, you can not stop them from entering the cell on the access control system." "Although these people suspected pyramid selling, but also rented passenger, Property no way water and electricity. "The official said," We have no right to stop renting passenger enters a cell. "
Industry and commerce: lack of hard evidence chain ban
Guangyuntan Wang Qun, director of business said: "The chain of evidence determination is lower send money to the intermediate, intermediate, again the money remitted to the more advanced, at least there are three levels in order to constitute an illegal pyramid scheme and in the chain of evidence. Our fight against the process, it is difficult to grasp the whole chain of evidence. These people do not recognize the issue of transfer of money, a lot of times they hit only be disbanded, can often be our front foot away, they rear foot on the back. "
POLICE: intermediate and above who can only handle
A person in charge of the public security bureau Chanba: "The public security organizations in the fight against pyramid schemes, only above the intermediate level of the organization of people according to law, the underlying personnel are also victims,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, can only advise from severance severance later returned, law enforcement. Only then patiently severance. "
According to police, a security system, said 1040 sales organization is a man every 29 small groups, and public security in order to combat illegal assembly groups often against more than 30 people. MLM organizations do not control such personal freedom, they are often unable to follow when making public security enforcement.
China Chinese Commercial News reporter Xie Tao
(Original title: one hundred staff and owners suspected pyramid selling conflict)
Edit: SN067

red and white

DragonSoft at 17:11 on July 19 (Reporter Que Movies) eating sleeping pills to feed his wife, he came alive again in the road, drove it crushed, pseudo causing a traffic accident. The "cruel" husband, how he never imagined that his all arrangements are video monitoring and recording down ...... today, Yongchuan District Public Security Bureau informed, police recently uncovered the pseudo accidents caused intentional homicide.
Young woman drowning in the morning under the wheels
July 15 Lingchao Yong Xuan Chuan Hua Road District Public Security Bureau police station duty police received a report, said in the city Jujube Orchard Road,http://www.jevazin.com/phpwind/read.php?tid=206378&ds=1, a family member courtyard door, a man lying on the road, flanked by a pool of blood.
Police arrived at the scene and found no one around, a woman lying on the right side of the road, motionless, who clearly traces the wheel.
"Women who lost a lot of blood, has no breath." Police recalled,tiffany outlet, after inspection, the woman had died on the spot, on suspicion of hit and run traffic police immediately notified the Patrol to handle the investigation.
Since the accident the woman did not have any documents, the police find it difficult to confirm their identity. Just then, a man came trotting Xuan Hua Road police station, police said his wife was gone.
Alarm man named Chen Lang, 32-year-old. "Today we drove to East Sichuan Ling super wholesale farmers market watermelon her people uncomfortable, on the first home." Lang Chen told police that he returned home and found his wife is not, that she went to the Internet ∩ woke up, his wife not to go home, and wallet,http://6dodiscuz.com/aassxxcc/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=317085, keys are at home, he does not feel right, then came the police.
"When we go out of her what clothes to wear, what features" thought police that the accident occurred in the morning, then Shunkou Wen Tao.
"Dress, red and white, wore white high heels. About 1 meter 6, with short hair, a little thin." Some understanding, the police basically concluded, the woman died in a traffic accident is Chen Lang's wife.
"You see this is not your wife," the police let Chen Lang saw the photo of the deceased.
"Ah! Yes! How she had" seen the photos,http://forum.energetic-treatment.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=366257&extra=, Lang Chen burst into tears.
"Fleeing Accidents" in doubt
After preliminary investigation, the deceased named Liu Fang, 31-year-old,http://www.diandiyun.org/mooc/home.php?mod=space&uid=46446, Jiangjin people, unemployed at home,http://naosite.lb.nagasaki-u.ac.jp, usually with her husband engaged in fruit business.
In order to arrest hit and run driver as soon as possible, to pay in full swing to carry out the patrol police investigation of the case work. However, in the on-site investigation, the analysis of evidence, the police found a lot of doubts.
"The dead body of a car rolling back and forth and the general marks spines that hit and run different, the driver seems to be deliberately kill each other." Police investigators analyzed.
Subsequently, the police in verifying the testimony of the deceased husband Chen Long, also found discrepancies. "From the surveillance video to see,air max milano, as he drove through several times from the incident, also repeatedly driving around,chaussures louboutin hommes, but he hid it." Police ordered the suspect locked in the body of her husband Chen Lang.
July 16, police in order to deal with compensation on the ground accidents Liao aryl, "notice" Chen Long go Patrol Detachment. When an item of evidence in front of Chen Lang,louboutin femme pas cher, he finally tell the truth.
Couples divorce from her husband to kill
"We fight every day, she was also mention a kitchen knife to cut me, I was under the cruel." Chen Lang explained that he and Liu Fang is best for their children, barely maintained marriage.
The night before the incident, Chen Lang borrowed a van out receivables. At home after dinner, he felt a little tired, they do not want to go out receivables ∩ aromatic Liao did not understand him, and insisted he go out collections, it is also the two had an argument.
This will feel murderous Chen Lang decided his plan into action for several months. Liao know aromatic recently served cold medicine, Chen Lang put sleeping pills mixed in cold medications, urged her dose.
Around 2:00, Chen Lang Liao unconsciousness with an aryl out the door, she was on the road,basket nike pas cher, so that passing vehicles crushed her. "If the car did not pass her killed, but taken to the hospital too," Chen Lang worried plans come to nothing, then slam on the accelerator, the car from the Liao aromatic body run over.
Car out of over one hundred meters later, in order to ensure Liao aromatic death, Chen Long in turn drove back, in the same way again rolling Liao Fang. After twice rolling, Chen Lang drove the two hundred meters later, Liao aromatic side back off, stop breathing and then confirm their car and left.
Currently,http://forum.dota2.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, Chen Long has been Jingfangxingju, the case is still under investigation in. Police advise, each family, between husband and wife will inevitably be a war of words triggered emotional crisis between the two. But all things are negotiable, both sides need to calm attitude in handling,http://www.euueuu.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=52095&fromuid=7904, really care,http://www.caimaicn.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=265089, so that mutual understanding of each other's ideas. Do not failing on the excitement, irritability, things made too late, the damage has been 〃 text harm involved were all a pseudonym)

hand indelible.

Yesterday,christian louboutin homme,http://bbs.youyoumxd.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14245, Chinese herbal medicine market Nanki door, law enforcement officers to teach the public to identify genuine gelatin. Reporter Ouyang ancestral soldiers Photo
(Reporter intern Jiang Tao Feng Bo) "counterfeiters to recover the overdue gelatin-based material, then add bad shoes and a few bits and pieces,http://demo.neucloud.cn:8000/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=32854, mashed boiled gelatin made fake." Yesterday, Yuzhong Trade and Industry Branch in Nanki door medicines market held 3.15 campaigns, Nanki door of Industry and Commerce on recent gelatin seized a counterfeit case. 3.15 publicize the event, Yuzhong Trade and Industry Branch set up a desk to educate consumers identify genuine and fake medicines approach, but also to teach three methods to teach people to distinguish between true and false gelatin.
Inspectors have found problems gelatin
Nanki door Yu Yong, director of Industry and Commerce,http://www.psychologicalselfhelp.org,louboutin soldes,http://www.dphoto.jp, told reporters at the time they were routine inspections in the reservoir area found these false legend gelatin. Initial examinations by the business sector,http://www.news-us.jp, these products called "East donkey-hide gelatin glue", with the well-known brands, "donkey-hide gelatin," the brand name similar to almost exactly the same packaging with well-known brand name, the business sector and therefore prima facie, these products suspected trademark infringement are fake products.
Fake gelatin rotten shoes when raw material
Inventory discovered by the business sector, these counterfeit products involving a total gelatin oral compound, A mortar, donkey, donkey glue (particle) and other four species, five specifications. Its packaging and trade names are the Shandong Famous Trademark "donkey-hide gelatin" constitutes approximation. After law enforcement officials call the anti-counterfeit labels and product packaging and after Shandong Dong-E E-Jiao plant contact,http://kiku-bsd.cc.it-hiroshima.ac.jp/cgi-bin/bbs/aska.cgi, the final product of this batch identified as counterfeit products.
According to the parties accountable, these products are from a small workshop in Shandong. Counterfeiters recycled expired gelatin-based raw materials, after adding mashed boiled rotten shoes and scrap processing,http://178du.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=536, can not eat. Business sector to remind the public to buy shoddy Chinese products,air max outlet italia, can promptly call 12315 complaints.
3 ways to teach you to identify genuine gelatin
Aiming at the growing public awareness of health,louboutin homme pas cher, gelatin product sales rising, the business sector to the public to identify genuine Weapon gelatin.
First, look at the appearance. Regular product packaging font clear pattern concavity. The print of inferior products rough.
Secondly,abercrombie soldes, look gelatin. Regular product looks smooth, non-porous, have gum flavor. The counterfeit product looks irregular surface pores clear.
Third,http://s-131100.gotocdn.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1295832, look at printing. Printing formal product colloid is cinnabar, use your hands to wipe. The colloidal printing and shoddy products on the red paint, hand indelible.
 (Edit: SN021)

Management funds not implemented

Appearance public toilets public toilets, all daily necessities are. Built public toilets can not be used,http://www.openartkj.com/news/html/?53452.html, but live on the people.
Reporter survey found that Plains Road in Zhengzhou City, a road five toilets in four live someone
Where pedestrians can not enter because there are public toilets, can only facilitate green belt
□ reporter Zhang Tao Wen, chief reporter Du Xiaowei FIG.
Read tips
Plains Road near the intersection with the IMF Road, Zhengzhou City, each invested several hundred thousand dollars more than three years after the completion of public toilets has not been put into use,air max outlet italia, these toilets are as housing, public toilets in the vicinity, many passers-by lack of access toilets only easy in the green belt. Someone jokingly: "high-end toilets became a villa."
Yesterday, reporters along Plains Road inspected the five toilets, in addition to a live person is not, but there are people who live in four public toilets. Toilets near the green belt, there are traces of urine.
On site
5 toilets 4 live people,http://www.shangdibbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=114491, pots and pans scoop spoon consequently there
Yesterday afternoon,http://bbs.jinhuw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=618394, according to local informants say, along Plains Road East demi north, the reporter saw a public toilet Gate open a small slit above the locks and chains take a forest area across Vienna. After knocking, a 60-year-old man opened the door and put a public toilet in the middle of a small dining hall and pans scoop spoon and beer. In public toilets 10 meters south of the green belt, with two pedestrian is urine, there are a lot of toilet paper green belt.
Old man claiming to Zhang,http://www.shhhy.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=421054, Xinmi City, who is here to care green belt,http://www.whodesign.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1255441, the monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, has lived more than a year, he was admitted to the contractor's foreman Sohn make public toilets. Placed in a public toilet pipes, shovels, cardboard boxes, lawn mowers and so on. The old man said: "The public toilets built more than three years, did not open,http://www.weiliu.tv/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4462730, one is not decoration, and second, no running water."
In the Central Avenue and State Road intersection south side of a group of public toilets on the door with wire hung a cardboard that read "decoration" words. Further north 500 meters Road East, all the way from north to south you can see the green belt of trees toilets hanging diapers and small sheets, under the circular corridor outside toilets, a young woman holding a child at play. Reporters saw public toilets lobby table, TV, two beds, bed nets and support the objects are placed. Staying here is Xincai County, surnamed Li, two and their families. The hostess told reporters: "In order to save some rent, I live here more than a year."
In the northwest corner of the intersection of a public toilet, actually there are four families live. FangChengXian of Ms. Zou said: "The family have lived here for four."
In this section, the reporter found five toilets in four live someone.
Management funds not implemented
When toilets before the reporter Road East, two other long-distance car back to Jiangsu man said: "A few years came to Zhengzhou to do business, they built public toilets on the government work efficiency is too low,air jordan femme pas cher, and here for a long time can not be put into use, We live in the neighborhood, often seen in people here waiting for the bus, not into the toilet had urine in the green belt. "
Zhengzhou City Second Ring Green Management Office director Liang Yong said in an interview: "There are 11 public toilets nearby Plains Road and State Road intersection group, has not yet handed over in May,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the construction unit and our unit checked the scene. ,louboutin femme pas cher, management and protection of one year; now the Plains Avenue North Landscape Construction Project Management Department. "
Avenue North Plains Landscape Construction Project Department Mr. Zhu call to reporters, said: "From the North Central Plains Road north of Zhengzhou City Bureau of Parks reconstruction project established three section 11 toilets built by the end of 2010,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, because there are a whole did not open. In the maintenance period, to ensure the survival of forest landscape green belt; supposedly should forward to the Spring Festival this year,louboutin homme pas cher, the conservation unit,louboutin soldes, but not accounting Finance Bureau good maintenance costs, and therefore could not hand over the last month we have Green Management Department and around the city. to take over, positive communication with the Bureau and Finance Bureau, to be implemented well maintenance costs, we pay close attention to the transfer. "
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tightly hugged his wife

Reporter Liao freely text /,tiffany milano
WASHINGTON May 31 at 3 pm,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, Nanhai Road, Haikou City, south bus station across the street,http://bp.ctxlsj.com/thread-7484528-1-1.html, a couple pull, attracted passers-by crowd. Husband forced his wife grabbed his hand to pull the bag, tightly hugged his wife, and the husband is the devil curse loudly, saying that 10 years of marriage,nike tn pas cher,http://wefung.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=8959758&fromuid=29230, her husband has been on domestic violence, but also openly home to an improper relationship with a woman. The two sides deadlocked, the final husband call 110.
Reporter Liao freely text /
Wife: husband openly with another woman home,http://oneworldoneplace.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=64402,hollister france, sleep with me
Wife Lin told reporters that she was Qiongzhong people, and her husband are students, two have a son. The couple opened a hair salon,http://www.kcn-net.org, through the efforts of the two,http://www.serow250.com, the days getting better and better, buy a house buy a car. Who knows,http://readcloud.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=199378, her husband slowly getting up, saw her talking with another man suspected she often beat her husband, she was afraid to fight, afraid to go home several times. Schilling said her husband out of debauchery,louboutin pas cher homme, night out, she forgiving him,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, I hope he will change. I did not expect her husband intensified, "he also openly with another woman to go home, sleep with me." Lin said, while her husband and another woman and her relationship, her extreme humiliation. She pointed to a scar on the arm, said it was a woman she and her husband brought back fights, one was bitten, and said she wanted a divorce.
Husband: Salon waitress with home, after his wife agreed
Liu explained that the husband, wife, a bad temper, she also has several night out, one of which has not been home for six months. The waitress he brought home salon is the result of consent of the wife. Now his wife to sell the house, he wants to get back the money, but his wife refused, the two sides pull it happened in the street.
It is reported that the two men pulled over one hour, stalemate, and ultimately her husband called 110, the police. The couple said that if you can not negotiate,abercrombie france, through legal channels.

We say that decorating the house

Video loading, please wait ... AutoPlay & nbsp; play youth to dismantle the roof looking at the stars back forward
Summary: Jiangsu Changshu a citizen to own balcony carved a 33-story roof of about 2.5 meters long and 1 meter wide big hole, only to look up the whole sky. Household demolished is a multi-layered roof, which includes waterproof layer, thermal insulation layer, multi-layer structure of the roof structure,http://www.swiss-list.com, etc., in violation of the relevant provisions of the urban construction department has let him stoppage pending.
Moderator: We say that decorating the house,chaussures louboutin hommes,http://flu.que.ne.jp, generally people are to practicality, comfort and direction to install,http://guestbook.withlove.info/index.php, but in Changshu have a family,louboutin soldes, that really makes a big renovation,http://www.cap.ne.jp, and almost all the houses demolished. We look at the pictures, this is a family residential roof balcony pile 33-story building, which this may be a duplex structure of it, from the picture point of view, which has been carved balcony above a large hole, which is looking down from this point of view, this is the balcony of the fence, you see it on top of the whole being ripped off.
You say that a balcony hey, why do you want to lift the top of it? Could this be to circulate more air,http://web.thu.edu.tw/kudo/www/bbs/yybbs/yyregi.cgi, really it is not. To say that the quality of life of the head of household requirement is too high, he can do is to look up the sky in the house, so when he renovated the roof to the balcony carved a length of about 2.5 to 1 meter wide big hole, so he stood on the balcony looking at the stars every night can be a.
To Yangon Star Chai Fangzi spend so much expense, which is a kind of homeowner how young artists,christian louboutin homme, you are not ready on the balcony poetry rhythm. The idea is good, but you need to know your family, but contains the top floor,hogan outlet 2015, this roof with waterproofing layer,http://www.readcloud.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=198839, thermal insulation layer, structural layer and so on can be complicated,http://www.nonleaguematters.co.uk, and now all been to destroy you, you can not lose it? Because the violation of the relevant provisions of the current local urban construction department and found that he has been ordered to shut down,louboutin homme pas cher, you see that restitution is estimated that they have to spend a lot of money. I say it is headed would not understand,http://perfect-aquas.yuzumaru.info, you want to look up at the stars, it was a nice dream, but in a lot of places now are haze premise, you lift the roof, and that on top of a layer of haze it, you lift the roof is not necessarily visible stars.
& Nbsp;
 (Edit: SN077)

Beijing Times

Beijing Times (Reporter Zhou Xin) Wu returned home pregnant woman to be produced on the road suddenly broken water, facing the car birth, unprepared Wu husband anxious helpless, so he rushed to the police station for help. Yesterday, reporters learned from the Haidian police, police timely helping hand extended to pregnant women at decisive drive to the nearby hospital,air max milano, ensuring mother and child.
12 o'clock noon yesterday, Wong Dongsheng police station to police station duty is. Suddenly, a man rushed into the police station, the police shouted, "fast call an ambulance," then he turned to the police station in front of a parked car and ran.
Wong followed the man went to the side of the car, he saw a pregnant woman inside the car, water broke,http://www.hnpy.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,louboutin femme pas cher, head of the fetus has been exposed in vitro. Police took the men's side of the hand for help, while nervously: "where is the nearest hospital."
See the child has to give birth, to help men and nervous, afraid he drove Wong to the accident,http://onigdesign.com/error.html,christian louboutin homme,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, apart from anything else one opened the cab door and let the man in the car, then drove toward the nearest hospital 306.
After arriving at the hospital, Wang Zhong to let the man in the car to take care of his wife, he is running and rushed into the emergency room,http://www.menqiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, call the emergency physician to the vehicle in front. At this time, doctors found that the child has been born in the car. Then, the doctor quickly put pregnant women and children to the obstetrics. After examination,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, confirmed there was no danger to pregnant women and infants,louboutin femme pas cher, Wong was safely returned to the police station.
Wu's husband,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,tn pas cher, Wang said, there are two weeks of pre-production of his wife the day before he drove back home Xianghe wife wants to be produced. I did not expect the car driving in the North Fourth Ring Road, the wife of the amniotic fluid suddenly broken, and soon production,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, can unprepared he did not even know how close to the hospital. In desperation,http://disport.cnzq.org/upload/home.php?mod=space&uid=55422, he rushed into the police station for help. Fortunately, police timely relief, currently both mother and child.
(Original title: husband wife give birth on board the police station for help)
 (Edit: SN182)