red and white

DragonSoft at 17:11 on July 19 (Reporter Que Movies) eating sleeping pills to feed his wife, he came alive again in the road, drove it crushed, pseudo causing a traffic accident. The "cruel" husband, how he never imagined that his all arrangements are video monitoring and recording down ...... today, Yongchuan District Public Security Bureau informed, police recently uncovered the pseudo accidents caused intentional homicide.
Young woman drowning in the morning under the wheels
July 15 Lingchao Yong Xuan Chuan Hua Road District Public Security Bureau police station duty police received a report, said in the city Jujube Orchard Road,, a family member courtyard door, a man lying on the road, flanked by a pool of blood.
Police arrived at the scene and found no one around, a woman lying on the right side of the road, motionless, who clearly traces the wheel.
"Women who lost a lot of blood, has no breath." Police recalled,tiffany outlet, after inspection, the woman had died on the spot, on suspicion of hit and run traffic police immediately notified the Patrol to handle the investigation.
Since the accident the woman did not have any documents, the police find it difficult to confirm their identity. Just then, a man came trotting Xuan Hua Road police station, police said his wife was gone.
Alarm man named Chen Lang, 32-year-old. "Today we drove to East Sichuan Ling super wholesale farmers market watermelon her people uncomfortable, on the first home." Lang Chen told police that he returned home and found his wife is not, that she went to the Internet ∩ woke up, his wife not to go home, and wallet,, keys are at home, he does not feel right, then came the police.
"When we go out of her what clothes to wear, what features" thought police that the accident occurred in the morning, then Shunkou Wen Tao.
"Dress, red and white, wore white high heels. About 1 meter 6, with short hair, a little thin." Some understanding, the police basically concluded, the woman died in a traffic accident is Chen Lang's wife.
"You see this is not your wife," the police let Chen Lang saw the photo of the deceased.
"Ah! Yes! How she had" seen the photos,, Lang Chen burst into tears.
"Fleeing Accidents" in doubt
After preliminary investigation, the deceased named Liu Fang, 31-year-old,, Jiangjin people, unemployed at home,, usually with her husband engaged in fruit business.
In order to arrest hit and run driver as soon as possible, to pay in full swing to carry out the patrol police investigation of the case work. However, in the on-site investigation, the analysis of evidence, the police found a lot of doubts.
"The dead body of a car rolling back and forth and the general marks spines that hit and run different, the driver seems to be deliberately kill each other." Police investigators analyzed.
Subsequently, the police in verifying the testimony of the deceased husband Chen Long, also found discrepancies. "From the surveillance video to see,air max milano, as he drove through several times from the incident, also repeatedly driving around,chaussures louboutin hommes, but he hid it." Police ordered the suspect locked in the body of her husband Chen Lang.
July 16, police in order to deal with compensation on the ground accidents Liao aryl, "notice" Chen Long go Patrol Detachment. When an item of evidence in front of Chen Lang,louboutin femme pas cher, he finally tell the truth.
Couples divorce from her husband to kill
"We fight every day, she was also mention a kitchen knife to cut me, I was under the cruel." Chen Lang explained that he and Liu Fang is best for their children, barely maintained marriage.
The night before the incident, Chen Lang borrowed a van out receivables. At home after dinner, he felt a little tired, they do not want to go out receivables ∩ aromatic Liao did not understand him, and insisted he go out collections, it is also the two had an argument.
This will feel murderous Chen Lang decided his plan into action for several months. Liao know aromatic recently served cold medicine, Chen Lang put sleeping pills mixed in cold medications, urged her dose.
Around 2:00, Chen Lang Liao unconsciousness with an aryl out the door, she was on the road,basket nike pas cher, so that passing vehicles crushed her. "If the car did not pass her killed, but taken to the hospital too," Chen Lang worried plans come to nothing, then slam on the accelerator, the car from the Liao aromatic body run over.
Car out of over one hundred meters later, in order to ensure Liao aromatic death, Chen Long in turn drove back, in the same way again rolling Liao Fang. After twice rolling, Chen Lang drove the two hundred meters later, Liao aromatic side back off, stop breathing and then confirm their car and left.
Currently,, Chen Long has been Jingfangxingju, the case is still under investigation in. Police advise, each family, between husband and wife will inevitably be a war of words triggered emotional crisis between the two. But all things are negotiable, both sides need to calm attitude in handling,, really care,, so that mutual understanding of each other's ideas. Do not failing on the excitement, irritability, things made too late, the damage has been 〃 text harm involved were all a pseudonym)