directly apply my license

After the "black car" owners are law enforcement police tape off, actually face in front of the police called 110, claiming "110, it was to grab the car." 15 evening, in order to focus the passenger traffic regulation joint operation, there have been such a funny scene.

In the face of law enforcement officers, the "black car" drivers used some funny way,,spaccio woolrich bologna orari, hoping to escape punishment. In peacetime, these "black car" driver has become very arrogant,giubbini peuterey outlet, openly brother grab business,woolrich bambino outlet, blatant threat to passengers with a knife. Talking about the "black car", Changsha many brother are very angry. They said,, "black car" is not only illegal to seize their survival in the market, some of the "black taxi" also apply regular taxi license violation offense,,outlet moncler milano, in grasp, "Li Gui," when genuine brother had illegal pay for the car deck.


Call 110 tricks

15 at 7 pm, law enforcement officers came to Wuyi Square combat illegal trading. Gate Road overpass in Wuyi Square, just ten minutes had more than 20 vehicles "black car" after, people have asked whether you want to drive the roadside.

Already preparing to leave boarding a "black car" was caught by law enforcement officers. Passengers introduction, he was ready to go to a nearby road work, the driver asking price 25 yuan. Under normal circumstances, take a regular taxi fare as long as 10 yuan.

See deeds brought to light,outlet hogan torino,, the car driver hiding in the car repudiation. Who was wearing a black and white plaid shirt young man car keys hidden in the pants pocket,,hogan outlet milano, let the law enforcement team on how to persuade, he refused to get off. In the case of repeated persuasion failed, and uniformed police will forcibly pulled off.

"110,ruffini moncler, and I in Wuyi Square,outlet peuterey bologna, a group of people grab my car." Make law enforcement team's surprise, after the young man to get off,punti vendita woolrich milano, suddenly the phone to call 110 Shuaqi trick, which makes the presence of law enforcement officers that both hateful and ridiculous. Finally,prezzi giubbotti moncler, the man due to obstruction of law enforcement, they can not produce their identity cards and vehicle documents,, was taken away by the police investigation.


One foot on the taxi's passengers were robbed black car

"Forefoot saw several other cars of the guests, rear foot was 'black' to cut up." Yesterday, Changsha milestone taxi company driver Ran Yan broke into the Changsha Evening News,, Changsha "black car" makes more money a regular taxi the more difficult to make. Ran into a 28-year-year-old Yan Xiang AT7141 is the owner of the bus in the morning to get up at 5:00, 5:00 when the work shift, working 12 hours a day, his greatest wish is Dora several passengers,woolrich usa, earn more money.

"Every month there is four thousand dollars." Ran into Yan said, under normal circumstances,woolrich originale, he can run daily turnover of more than 400 yuan,moncler bambina, 200 yuan to remove rent, 100 yuan and 30 yuan for oil and gas fee meal a day, net income 100 yuan. As the owner, no rest days a month, because Hugh day will lose hundreds of dollars.

"Even more exasperating is that there are now double the 'black cars' rob tourists." Ran into Yan said the rush hour traffic is congested city, one hour to earn 50 yuan have become a luxury. Finally see the front passenger waving, drive past, they noticed a few "black car" suddenly rushed out from the passenger secretly surrounded.

Ran into the inflammation still remember once in Changsha South Railway Station is the "black car" over customers experience. "Passengers have already embarked on one foot in the car, and finally by 'black cars' drivers to pull it down alive." Ran into Yan said he was in regular passenger dedicated taxi rank area, an open rear side of the luggage to prepare the car door, two "black car" driver suddenly rushed up, grabbed the baggage of a person, another person will hand Dazhu passenger's shoulder, saying they have both comfortable and affordable car, finally strapped travelers arm to pull up the "black car."


Black car got into trouble,peuterey abbigliamento, brother formal scapegoat

"Deck taxi worse,peuterey wiki, they got into trouble,, we have made a scapegoat." Ran into inflammation,woolrich outlet firenze, said he encountered a few days ago to apply their own license plates, "Li Gui." "There were complaints from passengers to the company for me,giubbotti bambino moncler, but my position is completely not there." Ran into Yan said the taxi's license plate decks, exterior colors are related to regular taxis almost difficult to verify the authenticity of passengers.

"I have met a more powerful,offerte woolrich, directly apply my license, then the threat of a knife out of the passenger." Jin Xiang Xiang AT5228 taxi driver taxi company slope Deng Chan said the company had received a complaint, saying he first refusing passengers car,piumini donna outlet, passengers on the train and get off after being threatened at knife point.

Let Deng Chan slope dumbfounding is, to paraphrase his taxi license also more than one, but two. May 2, 3 afternoon, Jin Xiang taxi track over four months later, respectively, these two decks taxi intercepted.

Deng Chan Poe said, because there is no record, decks taxis often serious violations. But if there is no deck caught a taxi,hogan interactive uomo, the monthly variety violation fines taxi drivers have formal commitment, and decks taxis unaffected.