" Joked Road Fengxia present

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On a six-page verdict, there was an error 30 places, even the name of the accused is also a mistake. Get the verdict,http://www.just-service.co.jp, the parties dumbfounding.
■ & nbsp,louboutin homme pas cher; Chinese Commercial News reporters Xiao Fengwei and Shi Xisheng Wang Shiyu
Together with the simple case
Case is not complicated. April 17, 2008 afternoon, Zhengzhou Oriole Electronic (Group) Co.,air max milano, Ltd. life services company kindergarten just after school,http://lash-rash.com,hollister, parents Na Hao Xin son with a friend to pick their children. Small Xin will play Ann being pushed down the plastic frog toys, resulting in Ann fractures.
Last March,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Ann's mother, Cao Baoying, the small Xin Xin's mother Road Fengxia small,air jordan homme pas cher, Dad Wei whole law and kindergarten together Zhongyuan District People's Court to sue for compensation.
Last November 19, Zhongyuan District People's Court issued a verdict. Can get the verdict, attorney kindergarten party has found verdict mistakes,louboutin homme pas cher, even the names of the defendants have made a mistake.
A multiple erroneous verdict
This report by the Zhengzhou Zhongyuan District People's Court made the civil judgment has six, the attorney accused kindergarten party, Henan Liu Zhanhua lawyer law firm is a radius of a pen marked 36 errors and imprecise statements place.
Among them, the names of the two defendants are wrong. Small defendant's mother's name is Xin Fengxia road,nike tn pas cher, but his name wrong in the verdict as "wind Xia Road,louboutin homme pas cher," and wrong 18 times,http://jomj.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=80881,ray ban italia, its ID number also missed a few.
Another defendant, "Zhengzhou Oriole Electronic (Group) Co.,christian louboutin homme, Ltd. life services company kindergarten" In the last one, but was written in the "Zhengzhou Oriole Electronic (Group) Co.,boutique louboutin paris,http://www.cveg.ca/bbs/read.php?tid=1919514&ds=1&page=e#a], Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as the Oriole Electronic).
"Kindergarten and Oriole Electronic are two separate legal entities, legal personality are all wrong." Liuzhan Hua said,air jordan pas cher, a judgment of the two defendants made a mistake,cheap jordans,http://bbs.jkuibu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=181492&extra=, people confused.
Lawyer: If the defendant does not admit cases may need to re-examine
Yesterday afternoon,gucci pas cher, said Fengxia told the Daily Reporter, about two months ago she got the verdict, and did not look carefully.
"Even my name is wrong,louboutin soldes,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, I can not admit it!" Joked Road Fengxia present, she was dissatisfied with the verdict has been appealed, the plaintiff and defendant both sides are awaiting a final decision.
In this regard, Liu Zhanhua lawyers believe that the judgment involves the interests of both parties, as a legal instrument should be very strict,louboutin homme pas cher, even if the names are wrong defendant,hogan, the defendant did not admit that the implementation of the article are his own,http://aspcms1017.1ie.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=101881&fromuid=7737,hollister france, the court needs to start the trial supervision procedures may need to re-hear the case. & Nbsp; (text Hao Na,cheap red bottom shoes, small Xin,louboutin pas cher, Ann pseudonym)