Yongzhou even to Taiwan

Police seized hundreds of "counterfeit cards," and a lot of blank cards,http://zkend.net/forums/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2094143, magnetic card reader, laptop computers and other tools to make a large number of counterfeit cards.
■ edition have written: Express reporter intern Li Guohui Liu Siwen correspondent days - Gong propaganda
■ edition photography: Express reporter Wang Zeng
■ edition Illustration: Express US Code Wang Yuntao
Following the June, Guangzhou Haizhu District of Guangzhou police successfully detected the first "raise cash card," the cloned card after criminal gangs (see the newspaper on July 25 A06 version), middle of last month, Tianhe District police busted a renewed "Raising card cash "criminal gangs, and the more advanced methods of crime gangs, involving much larger, can be described as" upgrade "and" raise cash card. "
Guangzhou Tianhe District Police yesterday informed on March 19, the police department of Economic Investigation After more than six months of painstaking investigation, successfully destroyed this clear division of labor means hidden, jeopardizing public safety and property professional cross-border bank fraud gang, seized "Weika" as well as more than 300 magnetic card reader, the information recorded measuring instrument, laptop computers and other large number of fabrication tools, arrested two Taiwanese leaders, including four suspects.
According to the police, the gang belong inside and outside the collusion paying jobs just out of college after 90 female students as employees,http://www.tukipie.net/comono/index.cgi, then used her identity to open the main Guangdong recharge cards business, "unscrupulous", through the modified POS machine madness theft of more than 300 savings card information and passwords. Then, monitoring, screening, "Yang Card" ...... Six months later, the suspect turn off the shop, fled to Dongguan,tn pas cher femme, Shenzhen, Yongzhou even to Taiwan, cash or credit card directly on the ATM machine withdrawals, mysteriously " swallow "Dozens of victims of more than 800 million yuan, of which the largest one case, a victim of debit card deposits amounted to 4.07 million quilt walk.
Receive SMS scared lost soul two million large sums of money stolen brush
In January 11 at noon, because the night before entertaining drunk, who lives in Tianhe District of Guangzhou, a company boss Lee also stumbled lying in bed. Then, on the bedside phone came twice SMS tone. Lee opened the phone, a bank card credit card spending just had a text message prompt is displayed on the phone.
Lee puzzled climb up, pulled out his wallet in the clothes and found that this bank card "obediently" wallet lying sandwich, then a closer look at the content of messages,boutique louboutin paris, suddenly being scared to death - this bank card funds was divided into two pen credit card spending, totaling 2.0413 million yuan. Moment, Cry a little set back the boss Lee realized his bank card may be fraudulent, and immediately alert the police to the Milky Way.
After receiving the report, the Milky Way police quickly formed a task force to start the investigation. According to the information provided by Mr. Li, the panel subpoenaed records of the bank card transfer of funds,cheap gucci handbags, found since January 11 incident,louboutin homme pas cher, more than 200 million yuan of funds in the card after the inter-bank transfer to the account of two intermediate field, quickly is distributed to dozens of sub-accounts in the country,ray ban outlet italia, and that the account since last September, there is a query repeatedly recorded in different locations, even more frightening is that almost during the afternoon to the evening,http://www.crushbush.com, which dozens sub-accounts have been involved in a number of different locations ATM machine withdrawals.
Track down
A clue to lock an unscrupulous registrant is a female student
According to Lee recalled, his bank card consumer credit card basically no record outside the bank counter, only once he had located in a September 21 last year, Jubei Road, Tianhe District, named "Tianhe Area stainless steel processing unit "in a small shop with a POS machine to own Yuetong card charge over values. "Is once in the move?"
According to the clues, the police task force immediately surrounding the investigation involved the POS machine. Police found a total credit card records over 300 bank cards on the POS machine, including 19 of 20 cardholders bank card was fraudulent,boutique louboutin paris, involving up to more than 760 million yuan.
Police investigators immediately instructed rushed Jubei Road field investigation found that the "Processing Department" has been closed. Police visited was informed that the room "Processing Department" Another listing "Guangzhou Tianhe Area department store," but the store only Yuetong recharge card business, without any other merchandise for sale, and the registered operator of a store is actually just 23-year-old daughter out of school graduates Ryu (Guangdong Heyuan people). Meanwhile, police also verify that Liu had also filed on behalf of another department store POS machine and POS machines have this card 14,chaussures louboutin hommes, one of a cardholder's bank card stolen brush,louboutin pas cher femme,http://05qh.com/099/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=538354, the amount up to 409,500 yuan.
Female students job to be used behind the scenes finally surfaced water
A 23-year-old graduate,louboutin pas cher, how could such a large operation alone criminal activity.
Task force a breakthrough in the investigation of the girls, and soon uncovered hidden behind her "boss" - the suspect Yang.
Yang, male, aged 35, Yongzhou people. According to his later account, he had to work in Dongguan, 2011 that the "cloned card" after this crime, feeling at once found a way of getting money. Since then, he began to search the Internet, actually "self-taught" mastered this criminal means. "We afterwards found in his computer, there are a lot of news reports about the cloned card crime, the police informed so that he is always studying, pondering." Police investigators said.
When the beginning of last year,nike pas cher pour homme, Yang hanging around to recharge points Huangpu Road, Tianhe District, a Guangdong-card and found that customers are basically used his bank debit card recharge. He had an idea, immediately thought of by Guangdong recharge cards in the form of theft, the customer's bank card information and passwords idea.
Yang quickly found previously recognized at the mahjong table, claiming to be well versed in Taiwan Hwang cloned card technology, the two sides hit it off, agreed to by the Yang responsible for bootlegging bank card information of customers, Hwang is responsible for the production of counterfeit cards and cash.
Last June, Yang through a job site in the name of recruiting clerks are struggling to find a college graduate looking for work, Liu, Xu to 5000 yuan of "High" will be incurred under, and using her identity to rent storefront, office license application POS, bid Yuetong card recharge points,abercrombie pas cher, next Jubei Road, a large steel wholesale market in the name of the department store opened a shop only Yuetong recharge card business.
Then, using the modified Yang POS machines and skimming equipment, a big steal came prepaid card customers Yuetong bank card information, has a collection of more than 300 sets of bank card information and passwords,http://www.weekly-net.co.jp, and then these "resources" to Hwang, Hwang reuse specialized fabrication equipment and mass-produced "counterfeit cards." After that, two of them in different locations Gesanchawu through ATM machines, POS, payment terminals Kara CUP intelligent way, closely tracking and monitoring "Weika" of funds, from the "Filter" There are large funds "calories", until "fattened."
Pulling a ghost
Taiwan passenger car smuggling organization designed to change the identity of gloves cash
Meanwhile,http://www.xmarks.com/s/site/www.tadayumi.sakura.ne.jp/apeboard_plus.cgi/os/, the police task force on the "drivers" who (ie specifically in the ATM machine withdrawals staff) launched massive investigation. In the last few months, after tracking the number of places after, police retrieved a dozen "drivers" of video shots, and these shots than eleven, locking a male suspect headed.
After further verification, the police found the man claiming to be the true identity of the suspects Liu Mouguo confusing, is a real Liumou Guo had been burned, disfigured men with disabilities. After careful screening, the police identify the true identity of the suspects turned out to be a Taiwanese Zhongmou stowaways.
Zhongmou 54-year-old, 10 years ago,hogan outlet, illegal immigrants from Taiwan to the mainland, incognito lurking in Xiamen and Fuzhou, Fujian, Guangdong, Shenzhen and Dongguan Taiwan-funded enterprises to work for several years. Late last year, Zhongmou fellow Hwang was fancy, let him be responsible Weika of cash, cash business. To hide their true identity, Zhongmou through illegal channels, spend 40,000 yuan Liu Mouguo identity theft, and even bought a home-made pistol and 11 rounds of ammunition for the "self-defense."
Why cloned debit card?
Credit cards have a limit on the amount, but often there are large savings Carry only the cash.
- Yang confessed involved
Police suspect threw all his trouser pockets and found a loaded gun
On May 19, Tianhe District police organization launched a large number of police action to close the net. Under the strong support of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau and Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau,scarpe hogan,http://www.kochi-yeg.ne.jp, police broken down into smaller four-way, destroy the suspect Yang, Hwang and Zhongmou foothold in Houjie Town, Dongguan, and Liu has been transferred to Shenzhen to work home.
Which is responsible for the arrest of the suspects Zhongmou a group of police, in that case Zhongmou carry guns, the risk is still close to the track, and ultimately when Zhongmou answer the call, press down on the spot seized from his trouser pockets an already loaded imitation "64" style homemade pistol!
While closely tracking the suspect Yang's two police because Yang suddenly around a seven bodyguards arrested and hard to find time. Just when Yang's going to drive away, in the absence of support, two police cars rushed motorists rushed to Yang and Yang gunmen stormed around the crowd, the Yang quickly away.
This action, the police arrested the suspect Yang, Hwang, Zhongmou three principal and co-Ryu four suspects and seized 395 counterfeit cards, 487 blank cards, a magnetic card reader, information measuring instrument recorded 2, 4 laptops, POS machine 8, Bank U Shield 32, 61,chaussures louboutin hommes,000 yuan, in one fell swoop destroyed the King of Kelong Ka criminal gangs.
The first step: Open
First, with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan a 23-year-old female college student recruitment, and then use their identity information to open a "Guangdong-card recharge point" and "unscrupulous" and store full license.
Step Two: recharge
There are car owners to recharge when using matchbox-sized card skimming device bootlegging information. When the negligence of the owners of the bank card to the clerk allowed to help recharge card, the clerk taking advantage of customers do not pay attention, quickly pulled out a skimming device, the card in the slot of a pull, the entire card data will be recorded into the side the recorder.
The third step: Pirates of the password
Through modification of POS machines to steal bank card password. Suspect will take a seemingly and POS machines connected to "fake keyboard" customer password consumption, but the keyboard is actually connected to the computer cash register on the counter, while the main parties buttons, numeric password is displayed on the computer screen clerk on the basis of these figures secretly POS machine keyboard, a result not only passwords easily hand, POS machines can be completed deductions while giving the victim difficult to detect.
Step four: raising Card
Use of stolen information and password manufacture a counterfeit cards, counterfeit cards will filter through into "calories" and "small card." "Calories" refers to the enormous energy "fatten" the amount of the debit card, the amount is less classified as "small card."
Step Five: cash
"Calories" through POS machines credit card cash the way the funds transferred into the "cart" and then cross, grading, dispersing into the sub-account transfers, from the "riders" in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Taiwan, Yongzhou even to the ATM machine to wantonly take now or buy gold, watches; and those who can not feed fat "small cards" by the "driver" direct withdrawal.
According to police reports,tn pas cher femme, in order to facilitate the transfer to cash, the gang through illegal channels to purchase hundreds of bank card accounts in the country,mulberry outlet, including bank cards, online banking accounts, U Shield, headed ID cards,hollister sale, phone cards and other information is called "cart",boutique louboutin paris, designed to receive large sums of money.
Only one bank card is called "car", for receiving small money.
And those who specialize in the transfer of funds or cash is called "riders."
Prevention Guide
Police say ......
When the credit card spending, try to use a credit card, credit card and regularly change passwords. There are credit card limit on the amount, even if they are "cloned", loss will not be too large. In addition, there are large sums of money to use a debit card,louboutin pas cher, debit card when is best to change your password as soon as possible after the operation, to reduce financial risk.
When using a bank card, be sure not to let the bank card out of their sight, can not let the bank card in the second slot machines outside La POS. As long as the information is not stolen card catalog, even criminals see the password, the system is not a counterfeit cards. In this case,http://www.zby999.com/BBS/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=102184, because many customers stare tight, hard to find the suspect's bank card skimming start timing, eventually had to give up.
Not only pay attention when you enter a password block, to prevent others see, but also to observe whether the keyboard to enter the password directly connected POS machines. If the consumer has been repeatedly unsuccessful swipe, swipe to remember where the places and people, in order to provide clues to brush stolen police.
The opening of bank card SMS alerts,escarpin louboutin pas cher, such as found in the card was fraudulent funds, to promptly report; be regular or irregular situation to the bank counter check their bank card was abnormal presence of the query, if unusual, you should change your password immediately and promptly changing the card, so even if the suspect "clone support cards" can not move funds in the account.
Magnetic stripe cards can easily be copied, greater risk of theft brush, apply the best pure chip bank cards. "Now most of the market is not a pure chip card chip card, but the chip is compatible with a magnetic stripe card, but as long as there is a magnetic stripe, chip equals furnishings, suspects the same information through the magnetic stripe bootlegging." Police said, Currently, the skimming device can not bootlegging pure chip card information, most of the POS machine also can not identify the pure chip card.
Why target is the owner?
Because he believes to have Cantonese Tonka who basically have a car, but a car that is rich, the crime is relatively high returns.
- After the police investigation, said
Police remind
University graduates "Job Explorer" To calm, should keep their eyes open, to improve the ability to identify, carefully identify recruiters legitimacy, do not work because of worry guard, used by criminals.
(Original title: raising cash to upgrade card set to go cross-border gangs tens owners 8000001)
 (Edit: SN010) [see Sina news Win iPad mini]